Friday, February 19, 2010

Goodbye Budgies Burrito's

Budgies Burrito's 2006-2010
You've been a ride and i have no regrets!
Thank you Macey

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Police state of mind

I don't do well with authority, not even a little bit! Well unless they are female cops and they're hitting on me (crab park last summer that actually happened) but i mean how often are you going to run into female police officers that don't have a huge chip on their shoulders? Not often!

The Olympics have brought our city a police and military presence so large that it has only been surpassed by World War two.
i don't feel safer, in fact i may start building my immunity to pepper spray by rubbing jalapeno's in my eyes at work this week.
Cool eh! Go Canada Go!