Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fireworks and 1000 lakes

Hey guys!
Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile, but we broke down in Vegas got stuck for two days and then drove from Vegas to Lawrence, Kansas (which is a 21 hour drive). But it was worth it as Lawrence, Kansas and the Replay lounge ruled it! It wasn't what I expected from the midwest.
The next night we were in Liberty Missouri at the Retro lanes bowling alley. Now this was exactly what i expected from the mid-west!! The show was put on by an old fellow named August, he used to be a pretty famous sound man, doing sound for Sly and the family stone and many more.
Now he's kind of a sad, washed up, lonely guy. He really loves Purple Rhinestone Eagle and he did a great job of the sound. Next time though I think we will go to Kansas city proper as we caught word that there were a bunch of kids that wanted to see the girls but couldn't get to Liberty...
On the way through Iowa there were signs for giant fireworks box stores. So i whined a bit about really wanting to go into one because of my affinity for explosives and the fact that Canada sucks and we can only get them for one week around halloween. Ashley was kind enough to stop and I basically turned into a five year old kid in a candy shop! I bought a giant firework shaped like a beer! SERIOUSLY!!
Next on the tour was a Minneapolis house show and that's where I am now. There were tornado warnings in place yesterday as we drove into Minnesota (another thing i love, drastic weather).
This had to be hands down the hottest basement show I have ever been too!! It was out of control hot. But the girls killed it as usual, Ashley stripped down to a bra it was so hot. After their set was finished we all proceeded to get really drunk really fast! I couldn't keep up with my thirst so for one reason or another I stripped off my clothes and jumped into a gross kids pool that was on the front lawn of the house. It was awesome and the next thing you know everyone else is stripping down and jumping in. Then the sky opened up and lightning and thunder ripped through drenching the streets with rain. Corrie from Kitten forever suggested we go night swimming. There's nothing like a skinny dip in a thunder storm on a hot summer night.

Were off to Madison Wisconsin today and I'm letting the girls sleep in a bit as the drive is only four hours.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Still in Vegas

The Van's power steering pump was shot.
Were still in Vegas! Bye, bye money.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Vegas baby! Ugh.....

So In S.F. the tour van didn't start right before we were about to load to leave for Oakland. Morgan got on the horn with AAA and as I like to put it AA, as in when shit like that happens i feel like i need to call my sponsor! So her and I were waiting around for AAA/AA and I had a brain fart that goes back 4 years when Eli and I went to see a Canucks game and we got one of those deals where to eat an Monks and you get tickets and they drive you in a shuttle bus to the game. So her and I were in the shuttle bus with all these gray hairs and rich folk, when the bus wouldn't start and the guy was trying and trying, basically he flooded the engine. So Eli was like, "Give it a minuet and it'll start right up." So he did and low and behold it did, so we were off to the game (Oilers VS Canucks).
That's what I thought of in that moment and said to Morgan maybe just give it another try it might have just been flooded? And that fucking DIO it was and it fired right up!!! So we loaded and headed to Oakland. Pins of light fucking RULE! Jake is a total bro. Also Genesis climber and Flood were great as well.
We crashed with amazing girls from the Bay area booking collective and in the morning they fed us delicious bacon with fresh eggs from their chickens in the yard.

Unfortunately things have gotten a little more difficult today (last night was Santa Cruz and it was fine) we missed an exit and got a bit lost on the way to Nevada so it was a long drive. We're at an econo lodge right now and as we pulled in the power steering died in the van???????!!!!
So were up tomorrow trouble shooting the problem and then off to Denver which is 12 hours away.
I feel insecure today, it sucks. It's also hot as hell.