Friday, January 15, 2010

New bed linens

I was at Winners today buying new bed linens when i remembered i had a blog!!
Sorry for the lack of blogging internet world. Do people still blog these days? Is anyone gonna read this?
I guess the lack of rambling, personal information about myself came out of my recent break up.
Eli and i split in September (again) but this time it's permanent.
There's not much one can really say about these sorts of things? I lost a lover a best friend a family a dog and somewhere around November my mind! What i gained though was a different perspective of myself, i was really not taking care of myself in the latter years of the relationship.
I was trying too hard to make my partner happy and have her needs met, when i was allowing my own needs and wants and desires to be put away in a box, thinking one day she would open the box up and go through it. That would never happen.
So i guess it was the simple act of buying new bed sheets today that made me realize that I've turned a corner. I'm coming out of the dark, heart broken moments of self doubt and insecurity.
There's nothing like clean, sexy, sheets to inspire a person to have passionate, hot sex with someone new! Come over for the sex but stay for the sheets....and more sex (obvie)

Here's a toast to being single! It's really not so bad, i mean i have my days. But when those feeling's creep over me I turn to my bro's and we play some nerd games, watch some hockey and talk about girls.

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